Saturday, October 25, 2008

More plants from the field of the Noodle

Some cool looking dead morning glories and squash blossoms.


Okra and other delicacies...
I think this is Corn and Beans... one of the three sisters? What do I know? The other sister is squash? I only know what my kid tells me.

Well I know this one is corn...

My Daughter...The Real Gardener

This is Nicole after we took a five day road trip...after seeing her husband and the doggies, she headed right for the garden! She has her priorities!

Monday, October 6, 2008

These are some tomatoes I planted. Evidently, I planted too many and then did not give them enough sun because I am told that they are "leggy". I transplanted about 8 of them into bigger pots and put them in the sunlight. We will see what happens. It was just an experiment after all. I haven't grown a vegetable since the bean in elementary school where we learned about cotyledons.. I like that word. I hope I remembered it correctly. You may NOT laugh at my tomato planting skills!!!